“Team Rockets Phirse Haar Gaye…” another episode of Pokemon
had come to an end, as it was exactly 5.30 pm. The impatient countdown for the
next episode had begun which was scheduled for the next day at 5 in the
evening. I gulped down the Bournvita, tucked my sandals on and waving a goodbye
to my mother who was busy preparing food for the evening. I rushed down the
stairs fervently to meet my friends.
As per our routine we started off with ‘Catch Me If You Can’ which
followed with ‘Lock & Key’ and then we concluded with Hide & Seek which
was an all time favorite. After these three arduous games we were fatigued, lying
on the grass. Only 10 minutes were remaining for the one hour to complete which
Mom had allotted.
I went up to the swings in the garden. The sun had kissed the
horizon and the dusty orange color was dissolving in the navy blue colored sky. I started swaying my swing to and fro taking huge oscillations. At the
maximum speed and height I reached the canvas of dazzling stars. There was some
extraordinary link between the dusk, the stars, the swing, the breeze that took
me into a reverie.
Today after so many years when I come back to this garden of
swings, the laughter echoes in the ears, and fades away. The garden is an aura
of nostalgic memories. The giggles and chuckles of children are no longer
heard. The monotonous creaking of the swaying of the rusty swings was the only
sound which I could perceive.
I touched the rusty iron chains of the swing, and placed
myself on the seat of the swing, started swaying. With a little hopefulness of
experiencing the same trance which I used to experience every single day for
those last 10 minutes of the allotted hour, 12 years ago.
But reality stared back at me; the swing, the garden, myself,
everything was unchanged;
Priorities changed. They were responsible for the permanent
loss of my reminiscence.
Today I have all the episodes of Pokemon, but what I don’t relish
anymore is impatient waiting for 24 hours for the telecast of the next 5 o
clock episode.
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